take the locavore challenge!

Check out this article about my good friends, Alex and Juniper, who are doing great things for food and their greater community. This was written by Laura Robins of The Ottawa Citizen. Laura is a great writer and supporter of local food and the people who grow it.

If you are in Aylmer, you can take your own locavore challenge… Aylmer Backyard Farms makes it easy. Aside from our hyper-local vegetables that are sold within a 5 km radius from where they are grown, we too carry Quebec organic maple syrup, blue popcorn, granola and sunflower oil. Yummy.  Click here to have a look at our products.

Back to Juniper and Alex and Juniper Farm:

 Alex Mackay-Smith (right) and Juniper Turgeon of Juniper Farm outside Wakefield Quebec..

Read more:  http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/story.html?id=6739233#ixzz1xEDXsYHI

Take the locavore challenge!

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